Sunday, 19 April 2009


As you mabee know, the Rocketsnail website is closed but... ITS NOW OPENING UP!!! Go to: to see it for yourself! It used to say: 'Sorry, this site is colosed' or something like that but Rsnail is starting it back up! He is only puting a blog up just now but he might put the game in! I can't wait!
Please comment or email me at:

~~Fever Cp2~~

Friday, 17 April 2009


Ultimate Chatbox For An Ultimate Website..........

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

New better igloos catalog cheats and Igloo upgrade catalog

New igloo catalog is out today, and I have the cheats! Ok, let's get started right away.


Turn to the first page of the better igloos catalog and go to the bottom of the page and then click the bottom of the poodle plant then you will get the wheelbarrow for 480 coins.


Turn to the third page then go to the top of the page then look at where it says Garden. Click the corn-on-the-cob plant on the right then you will get the Picket Fence for 100 coins


Turn to the eighth page then go to the bottom then look where it says Eletric Gutar Shadow Box. Click the picture of it then you will get the disco ball for 700 coins.


Turn to the Thirteenth page then where it says Puffle Posters, Click the word 'Puffle' then you will get the white puffle poster for 75 coins.


Turn to the Fifteenth page then where it says Koi Pond, Click the water in the pond then you will get the Ice table for 350 coins.


Turn to the Twentieth page then look to where it says Piñata, then click it. You will then get an Aquarium for 500 coins.

Also, there is a new Igloo Upgrade catalog today, It has a gardening theme. It is the usual cheats in that, BUT I'M NOT TELLING YOU WHAT THEY ARE UNTIL THE NEXT TIME! HA HA HA!

I am so evil!

~~Fever Cp2~~

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Club Penguin DS in Australia & New Zealand!

The ne Club penguin DS game should be coming out this week, so keep your eyes open! This is what the team said:

Hello Penguins!

A lot of you have been asking when the Club Penguin DS game will find its way down under, and the team's been working really hard to make it happen. If you're in Australia or New Zealand, keep your eyes out for the Elite Penguin Force game - it should be available this week!

-Club Penguin Team

Here is a picture of what it looks like:

*All the Best*,

~~Fever Cp2~~

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Happy Easter and Easter Party Spoiler


Its FINALLY Easter and the sensei has hidden Easter eggs all round the Club Penguin island for the 2009 scavenger hunt. I will give you the spoiler of where the eggs are below;

  1. The right bulb on the Night Club Building at the town.
  2. The pond at the cove.
  3. The cart that comes along when you hover your mouse along to play Cart Surfer at the Mine.
  4. The right hand side lantern at the Dojo.
  5. The grey hat on the pile of cloaths next to the two chairs for doing your hair at the Gift Shop (you need to click the grey hat to see it).
  6. The fish bucket next to ice fishing at the ski logde.
  7. The top of the sign post at the Ski Hill (you need to click it to see it).
  8. The light in the lighthouse Beacon (you need to press the 'Off' button to put the light off then you can see it, then click the egg to get it).

Once you get all the eggs click 'Claim Prize' then you will receive Pink Bunny ears. I think this easter egg hunt is GREAT! What do you think??? Please comment.

~~Fever Cp2~~

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Club penguin moneymaker v.2.4.exe Video & Arpil fools party!

I have made a new video on how to do the NEW moneymaker! Here it is:

New News: The box dimension is staying a little while after the party & please comment on what you think of the party. BYE!!!

~~Fever Cp2~~

Ps. I am in a hurry! Sorry!

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